Compliance Officer Corner - April 23, 2024

The video (intended for you to play as a potential training piece for all of your agents and staff) is a discussion on Source of Funds and Source of Wealth and the importance of gathering them.

For compliance officers this month, Greg highlights the importance of creating a culture of compliance within your office – one that must start from the top. During brokerage consults across Canada, ReallyTrusted hears from brokers/owners/compliance officers about how we shouldn’t have FINTRAC obligations. Whether that is or isn’t true is not the point. The challenge for those brokerages is that if that’s the tone coming from leadership, it’s no wonder agents aren’t invested in the program or learning about their FINTRAC obligations.

The importance of this tone is particularly highlighted because agents are the eyes and ears of your compliance program – and those eyes will only be opened with good training, which again requires agents to be willing to take the time to learn. To bring this full circle – if leadership is bemoaning their obligations, agents will not take the compliance training seriously and are thus likely to miss the indicators they ought to be drawing to your attention (and thus potentially saving you from an administrative monetary penalty).

To learn more about RT Academy or FINTRAC Express, go to