LSTAR Honours 2024 Student Scholarship Award Recipients

The London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS® (LSTAR) proudly announces the recipients of the prestigious 2024 LSTAR Student Scholarship Awards.

LSTAR grants $10,000 annually to four exceptional students. Each recipient receives a $2,500 scholarship. The awards recognize university or college-bound students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, community involvement, and character. Eligible applicants must have a direct connection to LSTAR Members or Members’ staff, either as children, grandchildren, or legal wards.

Kathy Amess, Chair of LSTAR for 2024, commended the remarkable accomplishments of these student leaders both inside and outside the classroom. “We are thrilled to support their post-secondary education,” said Amess. “These bright minds represent the future, and we wish them every success as they pursue their dreams.”

The 2024 LSTAR Student Scholarship Award recipients are:

Addison Hannivan

Addison is the daughter of Jodi Hannivan from Keller Williams Lifestyles. She graduated from Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School and will be attending Nipissing University for an Honours Bachelor of Physical and Health Education Concurrent: BEDIS degree program. Addison’s goal is to become a high school teacher, specializing in Physical Education and French.

Jamie Schnurr

Jamie, the child of Tim Schnurr from A Team London, graduated from Sir Wilfred Laurier Secondary School. This fall, Jamie will be attending the University of Waterloo to study Physical Sciences (physics). Their ambition is to earn a master’s degree followed by a Doctorate Degree and pursue a career as a professor.

Alexis Jarry

Alexis, the daughter of Andrea Newcombe from Century 21 First Canadian, graduated from H. B. Beal Secondary School. Alexis will be joining Fanshawe College for the Child and Youth Care Program. Her passion lies in working with children who have exceptionalities and promoting their integration into society.

Natalie Skilling

Natalie, daughter of Ian Skilling from Re/Max Centre City Realty, graduated from Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School. She will be enrolling at Western University, focusing on Family Studies and Human Development. Natalie aspires to attend Teacher’s College and become an Elementary school teacher.

Congratulations to all the recipients and their families! LSTAR remains committed to fostering excellence in education and community engagement.