Congratulations to Dale Marsh, the recipient of our first annual Ron Richardson Memorial Award! The name of the Award winner was unveiled today, at the 2023 Board of Directors Election Meeting.

Craig Wood presenting the 2022 Ron Richardson Memorial Award to Dale Marsh
The Ron Richardson Memorial Award honours the contributions and legacy of Ron Richardson, LSTAR's three-time Past President of 1948, 1949, and 1959.
Ron was a philanthropic man who donated to between 50 and 70 charities a year and was the ultimate optimist. He has always wanted to pay it forward and give back to his community and those less fortunate.
This memorial award is given to an LSTAR Member who best personifies Ron's key values with tangible actions through organized real estate Leadership, Mentorship, Professionalism and who shares their successes and volunteer time with compassion for others in our local community.
This year, LSTAR received 9 nominations for the award and implemented a blind review process, similar to the process conducted for the LSTAR Scholarship Awards: each nominee was assigned a number and, after reviewing nominations, each director selected a number for further review. Directors then voted and the number with the most votes was selected as the 2022 recipient.